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All the anAll anatomical terms are officially valid worldwide only in Latin.
That is why both the English and Latin anatomical terminology is required !


Photographic atlas of bones
for download (click on Atlas.exe and then click on small blue points on the skleleton)

Basic anatomical terms necessary for the first practices
Structures of the upper limb
Structures of the lower limb

General arthrology
Skull fossas
Openings and canals of skull
Structures of skull
Vicinity of meatus acusticus externus
Fundus meatus acustici interni

Skull and its bones
material both for study and testing in German language with Latin nomenclature

Scheme of pelvic floor muscles


Topographical anatomy of the upper limb
Topographical anatomy of the lower limb
Bursae, tendon sheath and retinacula of limbs
Arteries of the upper limb
Arteries of the lower limb
Plexus brachialis
Plexus lumbalis
Plexus sacralis
Sensitive inervation of the upper limb
Sensitive inervation of the lower limb

Course 3 - DIGESTION

General structure of the digestive tube


Respiratory system 1


First semester
Second semester
Third semester
Fourth semester



General arthrology (*.ppt formate)
Special arthrology (*.ppt formate)

muscular system

Canalis inguinalis

respiratory system

Upper respiratory pathways (*.ppt formate)
Lower respiratory pathways (*.ppt formate)

urogenital system

Urinary system (*.ppt formate)
Male genital system (*.ppt formate)
Female genital system (*.ppt formate)

gastrointestinal system

Gastrointestinal tract - oral cavity and pharynx (*.ppt formate)
Gastrointestinal tract - teeth (*.ppt formate)
Gastrointestinal tract - the tube (*.ppt formate)
Gastrointestinal tract - glands (*.ppt formate)

circulatory system

Heart (*.ppt formate)
Heart development (*.ppt formate)
Arteries (*.ppt formate)
Veins (*.ppt formate)

Arteria carotis externa
Arteria subclavia
Impaired branches of the aorta abdominalis
Arteria iliaca interna
Lymphatic system and its eponyms

Venae jugulares

endocrinne system and skin

Endocrinne glands


peripheral nervous system

Cranial nerves - 1st part (*.ppt formate)
Cranial nerves - 2nd part (*.ppt formate)

Nervus trigeminus

central nervous system

Rami communicantes nervorum spinalium

General schema of spinal nerve

Pathways - overview

Reticular formation

Telencephalon - development
Telencephalon - linkage

Diencephalon - section

Cerebellum - development
Cerebellum - linkage
Cerebellum - cortex section

Mesencephalon - section
Mesencephalon - linkage
Mesencephalon - structure of n. III nucleus

Brain stem
Brain stem - floor of fourth ventricle with outlined sections
Brain stem - floor of fourth ventricle with projections of cranial nerves nuclei

Medulla spinalis - grey substance
Medulla spinalis - white substance

! Pictures tagged withare compulsory !

Telencephalon (*.ppt formate)
Brain pathways (*.ppt formate)

summer dissection course

Topographical Anatomy of the Head
Topographical Anatomy of the Neck
Topographical Anatomy of the Thorax
Topographical Anatomy of the Abdomen
Topographical Anatomy of the Back and Pelvis

Presentations of topographical anatomy

Topography of head (*.ppt formate)
Topography of neck (*.ppt formate)
Topography of thorax (*.ppt formate)
Topography of abdomen (*.ppt formate)
Topography of pelvis and back (*.ppt formate)
Topography of upper limb (*.ppt formate)
Topography of lower limb (*.ppt formate)

Versions adjusted for print

Topography of head (*.pdf formate)
Topography of neck (*.pdf formate)
Topography of thorax (*.pdf formate)
Topography of abdomen (*.pdf formate)
Topography of back and pelvis (*.pdf formate)
Topography of upper limb (*.pdf formate)
Topography of lower limb (*.pdf formate)

(Supported with grant FRVŠ 1101/2008/F3)

Basic anatomical terms neccessary to understand the themes of first practical training (bones)