Area pretectalis

afferent fibres - from visual pathway

efferent fibres - to nucleus accessorius dorsalis n. III /Edinger-Westphal/ a further as the parsympathetic pathway for m. sphincter pupillae (miosis)

- to the reticular formation and further via tractus rubrospinalis to centrum ciliospinale /Budge/ at the level of C8-Th1 spinal segments, then via truncus sympathicus and ganglion cervicale superius as the sympathetic pathway for m. dilatator pupillae (mydriasis)


  1. Colliculus superior - from superficial layers to visual pathway
  1. Colliculus inferior - to auditory pathway


  1. Nucleus ruber
  2. afferent fibres - from brain cortex and cerebellum

    efferent fibres - tractus rubrospinalis = flexors activation

                                   - tractus rubrothalamicus - engagement in the cortical motor activity

  3. Substantia nigra - pars compacta - it creates dopamine and enables the striatum activity
  4.                                  - pars reticularis - the "relative" of basal ganglia conveys the striatum influence on the motor activity of brain stem (RF)

  5. Substantia grisea centralis - nucleus interstitialis /Cajal/ and nucleus commissurae posterioris /Darkshevich/ are linked in fasciculus longitudinalis medialis

Crura cerebri

contain pathways as follows:

  1. Tractus pyramidalis - fibrae corticospinales (down to alfa-motoneurs in the anterior horn of grey columns in the medulla spinalis)

                                                  - fibrae corticonucleares (to nuclei of cranial nerves)

   2.   Tractus corticopontinus - fibrae fronto-, occipito-, parieto-, temporopontinae (they pass from brain cortex to nuclei pontis, where they are interpolated in fibres continuing in the tractus pontocerebellares)