(4 - neuron crossed pathway)

  1. neuron: bipolar cell in the ganglion cochleare - n. cochlearis - n. VIII - the pathway is divided in two parts and continues to cochleares nuclei
  2. neuron: cells in the nucleus cochlearis posterior (axons continue as striae medulares ventriculi quarti and submerge in the median sulcus) et anterior (axons pass deep in the matter of myeencephalon through trapezoid body), their axons meet and join in the lemniscus lateralis and enter the colliculus inferior
  3. neuron: cells in the colliculus inferior
  4. neuron: cells in the corpus geniculatum mediale
  5. , axons radiate in the thalamus and in the lobus temporalis - gyrus temporalis transversus Heschli, area 41, 42